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Oyinbo Lady Does Photoshoot With Her PhD Thesis

A lady recently shared a post on Twitter which is nothing short of hilarious.

The woman in question cuddled her PhD thesis like a baby in the photos she posted

- Many have reacted to the funny pictures she put online.

A woman named @sarahwcurtis shared a tweet online which has got many laughing. In her post, she shared photos of herself cuddling her PhD thesis like a baby.

She quite well considered the PhD thesis to be her baby while she was its 'mother'. According to Sarah, the supposed 'maternity' photos were necessary because she went through a lot 'birthing' the project.

In fact, she called the entire PhD thesis her longest labour ever. Many have reacted to the lady's post in several ways. A number of people undergoing their own thesis shared same sentiments with her

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