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THE JOURNEY SO FAR - Nigeria's Democracy @ 20

Silent please!
This is not the time for celebration
But a time to look back to our memories

Can we have a conversation?
About the country in transition
Who after years of democracy
Is still searching for definition

Can we remember the Nationalist?
Who stepped forward to won us independence
Who laughed in his hardship
And cry in his joy

Can we talk about the citizens?
Who gathered to form a nation
Progenies from different tribes
Crowds of visions and evils

Can we mourn the Military Regime?
Who abandon our constitution 
Who make a misery of our right to a normal self-respecting life
Who make us lose hope on our nation

Now can we have a discussion about our 20 years of unbreakable democracy?
Our country has become so corrupt and full of anarchy
Ruling politicians are causing chaos and unrelenting strife
Our taxes and embezzlement is rife
Our trusts are abuse

Can we look back at the journey so far?
And the distance yet uncovered
For it is not the name that makes a nation
But the leader and the people who proudly confess

Can we look at each other’s eyes
And find the courage to love and trust 
For we did not emerge from this country
The country found life from us
We are one NIGERIA.

Happy Democracy Day!

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