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"We Have No RUGA Here In Italy, Nigerians Should Learn" - Nigerian Man

We have no RUGA here In Italy, Nigerians should learn.

Nigerian man and his brother shows off their farm in Italy, according to him he said here is our garden in Italy where we cultivate maize, okro , and even pepper.

He shows off where the kept their pigs, and about 50 chickens, and horses that everyone has his on part to stay and well fenced. That know cattle disturb them here, the have grasses where the cattle and horse are being fed, while them enjoy their own life.

He said he don't know why the Nigerian government will unleash cattle, prefer and value cattle more than human beings.

He went on to show his brother's dog, he said this is my brother dog the dog that is "more intelligent than Buhari".

In conclusion he said this is my message to Nigeria.

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