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BBNaija: How Ike Reacted After Mercy Hugged Joe

It appears that the “Acts of kindness Task” Biggie gave to the BBNaija housemates is causing a few issues in the house. The Merike ‘deliver’ (referring to Mercy and Ike’s relationship) is unstable after Mercy showed her own kindness to another housemate.

Recall, On Tuesday, August 6, Big Brother gave the housemates a Task to do an act of kindness to another person for 10 minutes. Mercy chose to hug Joe as her own.

In spite of the fact that she made a point to put separation among them and wore a sweater so when he embraced her, he wouldn’t contact her back. Shockingly, it didn’t go down well with lover boy, Ike who didn’t hesitate to show it on his face.

Ike wasn’t angry with Mercy, rather with Joe for staring at him suspiciously while the hug was going on. When the task was done, Mercy went to Ike to tell him that Joe was holding her tight and pressing my @$$$.

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