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Being The Odd One In A Sex-infested Society

It is not easy to stand for sexual purity in this world of ours, but it is always beneficial. Of course, as adults, Sexual Purity is not automatic; there are various things attached to it, including prices to pay to remain pure. One of the prices to pay is to be ready to stand alone and be the odd one amongst the crowd.

Currently, a lot of people out there don't embrace the idea of sexual purity because they are still slaves to their lusts and untamed desires. They want pleasures. They want fun. They want immediate gratification. And so, you will be treated as an abnormal person if you decide not to play the game with them. They will call you all manner of name, they will mock you scornfully, they will laugh at you quite alright..... But don't worry... He who laughs last laughs best...

The good thing is that when you embrace Sexual Purity, you are a person of dignity and honour, and you have virtues which the innermost of immoral people constantly craves for. In case you don't know, many of those who mock you for your stance on Purity are simply envious of you. When they see you, their conscience punishes them with guilt. Silently, when they see you, shame itself queries them with harsh words like "If this person can successfully discipline himself/herself to remain chaste, it means you are simply an undisciplined and unprincipled person for constantly yielding to your urges and desires, like animals"

Really, it is guilt of this sort that prompt many of them into retaliating with mockery... Their aim is to persuade you to become immoral like them, so they can justify their sinful actions with words like "after all, everyone does it"

They will mock you definitely, and they will laugh at you... But don't worry... He who laughs last laughs best

When they suffer from the pains of Sexually Tranmitted Diseases like Staphilococus, gonorrhea, syphillis, vaginal infections, HIV, AIDS e.t.c, or when the troubles of unplanned pregnancy calls, you will be right here hale and healthy, at peace with your body, your conscience and your Creator.

You will laugh last when you see them arching from heartaches of broken relationship (as losing a relationship becomes more painful if one is spent in the process), or living in regrets following an abortion.

Continue walking in Sexual Purity. You will find happiness and peace and calmness at the end on your wedding night. Above everything, you are at peace with God, and you keep making Him happy by choosing to honour Him with your body. He honors those who love Him and stand out for Him

One with God is a majority!

“All my friends are all doing it” is not an excuse before Him. The fact that everyone is doing it in your environment doesn't mean you should join the bandwagon. Dare to be different and Stand for holiness

All of us will separately stand before Jesus Christ to give an answer for ourselves. Romans 14:10, 12

Receive strength to keep honouring God to the end in JESUS Name.

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