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"Take Me Back To Those Days When Sex Out Of Wedlock Was Seen As A Taboo"

Take me back to those days when salvation Message was More important than Prophecy. Oh, how I miss those days when being gay refers to just an innocent happy state of the heart, not the current perverted anti-Life sexual orientation. Let's bring back the days when Aids means helpful grants and not a dreaded sexually transmitted disease. We claim we are becoming more civilized, when in actuality, Humanity is on downward spiral to self-annihilation.

Take Me back to those days when Sex Out of Wedlock was seen as a taboo not now when Sex is an Appreciation gift.
Can I go back to those days when pregnancy Outside Marriage was a shame to Families not now that it is a way of life. Is there Anybody who knows the Road to those Days? When descent dressing was the identity of responsibility not now when there is no difference between a Lunatic, a Mechanic and a Sane Man.

Where are those days when the beauty of a Woman was Found to proper dressing first, not now when an Average woman want to appear Unclad. Please Can we find those days, when Divorce was a derogatory Language among Christians, not today when invitation is being shared to come and celebrate divorce. Yes, we can bring back to those days when true love was built on Sacrifice and trust not now when love is hanging on Sexual Capability and Money.
I wish I Can go back to those days when true love was build on Sacrifice and trust not now when love is hanging on Sexual Capability and Money.

Where are those days when Men of God we're afraid of God and live by the word not now when they teach a different thing and live a different life style of their Choice. Please wake Me up from this Sleep when we arrive at that world where Rapture and Resurrection was the Major Focus of the Church not now that Materialism is the Center Focus.
Have we really forgotten those days when if a Member of a Church fall into temptation, the Church will Cry and pray for his/her Restoration, not today when a Member will Commit a sin and the Church will give such one a position in the Church as long as he/she has Money.

Where are those days when Men will pray until they get Results, not now when all they want is Prophecy even when the said Prophecy has no Solution Or Mandate to Redeem .
Am looking for those days when so many Girls were Rejected and beaten up by their Parent's, some lost their Education while others were mocked by their Mates because they refuse to Compromise and they gave up all for Christ, not this days when Man's way of life is More important than God's way, and going to heaven is a dream for the lost.
I just remember those days when parents wanted their Children to Marry born again Christians, not today when parents want their daughter to marry Money bags even if they are Ritualists.

A fetus was the first to rejoice at the news of JESUS, yet lust-enslaved Christians want the right to gleefully murder the innocent Souls.
I weep and pray that the Owner of the Church will not Come and Meet his Church like this because Many Saints who have gone will feel disappointed and the Church itself May not Make the Rapture.
OH GOD of Heaven and Earth!!!
Please help your Church
Please help us all... Amen!!!
“Out of the depths (of our hearts) we have cried to You, O LORD” Psalm 130:1

GOD issues Prophesies as warning, HE doesn't derive any pride or Joy from ensuring that a prophesied doom comes to pass. Forget the current popular deceit of Satan that has made Christians to fold our arms and watch the World gone to the pigs. To the extent that we now so selfishly watch our Children being morally destroyed and automated as candidates of Hell Fire. GOD ALMIGHTY has no pleasure in destroying Humanity, Ezekiel 18:32. Alas! Christians should stop being cowardly and selfishly negligent of their duty of doing the needful to make the World a better place.

The same Prophesy of annihilation that many are holding on to against this Generation was the one issued against Nineveh. But the Christians of that Generation did not selfishly try to escape the doom, they relentless preached, stood against evil, did everything politically and spiritually needful, Nineveh repented and YAHWEH ALMIGHTY preserved the Nation. Jonah 3:8-10. Lo! JESUS would be glad to return to a World that Christians have relentlessly worked to make holy. Selah! HalleluYAH!!!

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