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The Most Important Type Of Tithe

To truly start living a victorious Life, you have to be intentional. Tithing your income is good, but tithing your Time is more important. The devil will try to continue to deceive us that we don't have enough time. Yet, he subtly pushes us to daily waste away time (Life) on WhatsApp, Facebook, NairaLand, tittle-tattling with friends, etc. Time lost can never be regained, so time is more expensive that money. Please, let's be wise and spending our time on things that will help ensure we receive the reward of Eternal Life that awaits us.
"When you win the Battle at the thought level, you win the Battle on all levels." Over several generations, the demons have mastered the act of bringing evil/dirty thoughts, you have the CHOICE to shot it out and start meditating on What GOD said about you as Holy Vessel, or you welcome it and entertain it as an August Visitor to dominate your thought and life.

What you intentionally watch and/or listen to determines who you become. Galatians 6:7-8 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap everlasting Life." Build your Faith in HIM. The beauty of totally submitting one's Life to the HOLY SPIRIT is that HE would use you to affect your generation in a positive unprecedented way. Feed your mind with Godly food. What you hear and what you see either grow or decrease your Faith.

We should all know that paying Tithe of our Time is more important than paying tithe of our money. Not all of us have money, but we all have 24 hours a day. Tithe (10%) of 24 Hours is 2.4 hours. daily ensure you spend, at least, 2.4 hours for God that gave you Life.

By the time you focus on strictly integrating the following activities into your daily routine, you would soon discover that you've getten used to spending at least 2.4 hours of your daily time for the giver of Life, and you would start living in Truth and in Spirit faster than you thought you could:

*Start your day with your CREATOR by reading Daily Devotionals. Most Churches have very good ones that you can get: Deeper Life Daily Manna, MFM Mountain Top Life, Redeemed Church Open Heavens, etc.

*Download and listen to deep preaching and messages about Holiness. Young Pastor Joshua Selman, Pastor W.F Kumuyi, Pastor Olukoya, J.A Allen's books, Watchman Nee's Books, etc. would do wonders in helping to push you into becoming a real holy Christian in just 40 days if you concentrate fully.

*Be very selective in entertainment material and movies you consume. For example, you can buy full movies like War Room, download short godly videos on Holiness and Purity, faith documentaries that shows the real archaeological discoveries that validates and support the Christianity Histories and events in the Bible.

*Download and daily listen (listen with a full concentrating, with worshiping mind) to deep real Gospel songs like So Will I, Seasons, etc putting them on repeat on your phone.

*Preach the Gospel! Preach the Gospel!! Preach the Gospel!!! Do everything you can to win Souls for your CREATOR. The day you get permanently committed to winning Souls for GOD, preaching the Gospel, that day you'll see your Spiritual Life starts soaring in all ramifications. GOD has vowed to make you shine former like Stars if you win Souls into HIS Kingdom. " Those that turn many to righteousness shall shine like Stars FOREVER AND EVER" Daniel 12:3

Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth Iron" Let's contribute by suggesting other godly ways, movies, songs and things that has helped us to become better real Christians, so that upcoming Christians can benefit too. GOD Bless and Preserve us all unto HIS Eternal Kingdom in JESUS Name.

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