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No Time Limit For Reporting Rape Cases, Says Police

The Nigerian Police yesterday said there is no time limit for reporting cases of rape and other sexual assaults to the security and other appropriate agencies in the country.
They demanded that regardless of to what extent it takes an assault injured individual to report the case, the Police and the state owe the person in question a duty to determinedly explore the grievance and carry wrongdoers to book.

Talking in a select meeting yesterday with The Guardian in Abuja, Force Public Relations Officer, Frank Mba (a Deputy Commissioner of Police), in any case, included that in spite of the fact that it doesn't make a difference to what extent it takes before the reports are made, the sooner an injured individual calls the Police, the simpler it is for it to gather the proof expected to demonstrate the charge.

He stated: "Yet I will say without evasion that when assault cases or different types of maltreatment are accounted for tentatively, the closeness in time between when the offense is carried out and when they are accounted for enables the Police in overseeing examination to better, on the grounds that the recollections are fresher in the psyche of the person in question, the wrongdoing scene is less polluted, it is simpler to get follows and bits of proof from the wrongdoing scene and legal examinations are simpler and better dealt with.

"My suggestion is that casualties of assault cases and different types of rape should attempt to report their cases on schedule, yet they should likewise realize that there are no time bars to the examination of assault cases.

"The offense isn't rule banned and they can choose to report their case whenever they picked and the Police is compelled by a solemn obligation to research them."

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