Omo mehn, things are really happening in this Country oo 

Some Landlords are from Hell and they want you to work while they use your Glory and be reaping all the benefits you are supposed to be getting & enjoying.
I have been longing to share these 2 stories with you guys but I’ve been very busy with a whole lot of things but today, I said I must get this posted as it is very important.
WARNING:- Before you pack into any rented Apartment in Nigeria..
– If you are a Christian, get your Pastor to pray before you pack in.
– If you are a Muslim, go with your Alfa to pray inside it before you pack in.
I know this is not something we normally do but please, save yourself from putting anything bad in your head or let me say your life that might affect you today or tomorrow.
Here are 2 stories that will help you understand better..
Let me share these 2 stories with you guys, you will understand what exactly I’m talking about once you are done reading.
Some Landlords are devilish in Nigeria especially in Lagos and some other Southwest states. They don’t want their tenants to be successful at all.
Let’s go
The story of a Yahoo boy that rented a bad house and didn’t cash out for 1 year
When I was in School, there was a guy in my class that was a working boy.. He moved out of the house he was staying because it no longer suits his standard (baba don cash out) and wanted a more lovely house. So, he packed out and went for something more better in town, a beautiful 3 bedroom flat.
He never knew that was going to be the end of his steady cash out and he won’t be making a dime for the next many months.
He packed into his new apartment, furnished it and everything was looking like palace. 3 months down the line, ordinary $100 he didn’t collect from his illegal business.
That was how he complained to his mum and according to him, his mum took him to their Pastor who prayed for him and ask him to pack out of the house he just rented. The dude was confused and was asking what has the House got to do with him no cashing out but he was told something bad has been buried right into the Foundation of the house and if he stays there for 10 years – Kobo he won’t see.
No funds to moving to another house but with the help of Friends and family, he got another apartment (a self contain). So, he moved out with his belongings and just 2 weeks in the new apartment he got, that was how he hammered over 52 Million Naira back then in 2014 ooo.
When I got the News back then, I was shocked to the bone. That news made me realize that Jazz dey abeg. One just need to be careful out there oooo.
The dude kept cashing out back to back then and even when he had enough money to move to a more better apartment, baba just sticked to his self contain and that was the house he stayed all through School days.
The story of a Bolt driver whose car will never start in the house he rented
One of my Friend told me about this person and when I eventually met the person, I asked him if the story I heard about him was true and he confirmed it was 100% true
For 7 months, his Car which he used for Bolt (picking passengers) will never start or work in the morning but anything from 4:00pm upwards, the car will work perfectly without any issue but in the morning, just forget it – it will never work.
Akin is a Bolt driver and he stays in Ketu, every morning, it’s always war between him and his car as his car will never work, as such he won’t be able to go out to hustle but in the evening when the day is about to end, the car will work without him fixing anything – this went on for 7 months.
So, one evening, he left his house to sleep in his friends house at Ajegunle. In the morning, he started the car just to see if what normally happens in his own house also will also happen but the shocking thing was that the car started without any issue in the morning
He went back to his house that very day and he tried starting the car the next morning but all to no avail and that was when Baba realised something shady is really happening.
He headed straight to his Alfa and narrated everything to him and was told to pack out of that house that very month to avoid more issues for him now that he has known there was something fetish with the house.
According to him, the car starts every morning without any issues in his newly rented apartment.
The End!!
Thank you all for reading the stories above – I hope you have learned one or two things today.
Please, before I put down my pen – don’t forget to pray aggressively when you, your friend, or any family member rents an apartment.
May we not rent or pack into any house that will have a bad impact on our life
You all should have a wonderful new week.
The post UNBELIEVABLE!!! Be Careful Before You Rent Any Apartment In Nigeria (Some Landlords Are Fetish) – READ THIS appeared first on Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website.
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