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🎶 Baby, You Need Not To Worry About Me, Im fine You Gat To Go To Sleep I Gat Your Back Don't Worry About Nightmares Because I Will Be In Your Dream To Comfort You I will Cuddle You Till You Fall Asleep Don't Forget To Close Your Eyes Before You Sleep My Hug Will Keep You Warm Till Dawn 🎶 🙂

🎶1st-miss Me 2nd-think Of Me 3rd-try 2 Sleep Now And Close Ur Eyes. Coz I will be in ur dream To make sure you don't have nightmares And if you're finding it hard to sleep, I will be there to sing you a lullaby Don't be scared of the dark coz I will be by your side to protect you 😘🎶

🎶I Am Going To Bed Soon. If You Need Me, Feel Free To Call. I might not have the best voice But surely my lullaby will put you to sleep Just a soft kiss on your forehead will do the trick Don't forget to pray before you sleep Coz God's angels will be by your side till dawn 🎶😘🎶

🎶You Might Think That It Is Too Much But I Think A Simple Good Night Is Not Enough To Express How Much Excited I Am To Be With You Tonight. That's Why Singing you a lullaby is a must Don't be surprised if I read to you a fairy tale It's more romantic sitting by ur bed and watch you sleep I will make sure to send my guardian angel to watch you over night 🎶😘

🎶My Day May Be Hectic. My Schedule May Be Tight. But I Would Never Let The Day End Without Saying Good Night See it as a gift from the bottom of my heart I'll be there when you need me To hold you tight never to let go I'll be ur knight, watching over you all night 🎶😘

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